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07 August 2024 A Coruña (ES) - Festival Noroeste

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I played a concert at Festival Noroeste in A Coruña (Spain) on the 7th of August 2024 — if you were there it would mean a lot to me if you would share your impressions and thoughts and maybe even some pictures with me!

Your thoughts, memories and pictures

Martin it waaaaas great ! Enjoyed it so much ! You did an awesome performance ! Hope to see you again soon 😊🙌🏻🙌🏻

— Ivan

VOCES DEL ALMA. En el vasto océano de la existencia, las olas del tiempo nos envuelven, calando hondo en el corazón de la vida. Soy como el aire, suave y sutil, como una ola que cala hasta lo profundo. Un silencio atronador nos deja perplejos, mientras el oleaje de las calles nos amenaza. El volcán dónde brota la vida, erupciona con la fuerza de mil emociones, arrastrando consigo la belleza salvaje de nuestros sueños más profundos. Exploramos los rincones más ocultos de la mente, navegando en el mar de la memoria sin rumbo fijo. Como el volcán, estallamos en colores, observando la fragilidad del tiempo que nos envuelve. Así somos, como las olas en el vasto océano, calando hondo en la esencia de lo que somos, siempre llegando el silbido, el recordatorio, de que somos parte de algo más grande que nosotros mismos.

— Vicka

It was a magic concert, I have no words to explain my emotions during the show. The music was smooth, quiet and strong at the same time. Sometimes it made me dance. I love your improvisations and I want to 'repeat' this experience.

— Ana

Hi Martin! It's Leticia, the musician in the other concert 🥰 It was a pleasure to share the stage in the castle with you today. Your music filled every corner of the castle, and that was magic 💫 I hope to meet you some other time!

— Leticia

Feel lucky. That girl i met ask me for joining her to see you playing. I didn't expect to, as I'm around A Coruna for few months, working on artistic drawings. I was feeling stuck in the art process. Yesterday was creativly inspirationnal to me. Love this balance between inner child who have fun and the artist building his art. So, big thanks. Would try to catch you in France this automn.

— roma

Thank you for the experience yesterday, it was a pleasure to enjoy your music. I'm going through a bad personal streak and the only thing that is always there is the music, your concert yesterday was a small oasis in the desert that I have to cross 🖤

— Manuel

it was incredible, magical, I had goosebumps, thank you very much for this indescribable experience

— Pavla

perfect concert in a perfect castle with a perfect pianist. Thanks ...I enjoyed a lot. Gracias

— Guissela

We very much enjoyed the concert, Martin. It was a beautiful, memorable evening. Thanks for the music. Very best wishes for the rest of your tour.

— Kevin