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© Ben Vossler
© Ben Vossler

22 June 2024 Katowice (PL) - Tauron Nowa Muzyka

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© Ben Vossler

I played a concert at Tauron Nowa Muzyka in Katowice (Poland) on the 22nd of June 2024 — if you were there it would mean a lot to me if you would share your impressions and thoughts and maybe even some pictures with me!

© Ben Vossler

Your thoughts, memories and pictures

Touching my soul

It was a beautifully creative and touching concert and I finally bought myself some of your notes to bring some of your magic back home to my piano. Thank you and never stop!

— Suse

You ARE the music.

It was the best concert during the festival! I only hope you will visit Poland more often, I’ll definitely go to see your show.

— Bartek

Mindblowing performance!

I'm a huge fan of classical sounds and electronic experiments. Martin was my yesterday's discovery and what I saw and heard was truly mesmerizing. What an extraordinady artist he is! Blew. My. Mind.

— Krystian Rygał

Hi Martin, I'm not used to writing to other artists, but I was encouraged by what you said yesterday during the concert in Katowice. I hope that your open attitude that you showed yesterday is really genuine. Usually I write this kind of emails, and I don't send them, archiving them somewhere in my notes. However, I have to admit that although I go to many concerts of different kinds of music and many opening of the art exhibitions, but yesterday, for the first time since I can't remember when, at each improvisation, at some point I smiled broadly and simply took pleasure in what you do. I would like to congratulate you on your commitment, dedication and sensitivity. And thank you for allowing me to be a participant in this event. I came to the festival very tired, without force, and your concert gave me so much energy that I really don't remember if something like this has ever happened to me. Warm regards!

— Marta

Thank you so much for your performance, I didn't know about your art before, but it was one of the most beautiful metaphysical experiences in my life :)

— Natalia

Beautiful experience

Your sensitivity and receptiveness allowed us to enjoy a unique musical journey. Thank you!

— Stanisław

Deine Musik verbindet

Lieber Martin, neben meinem Dank für ein wiedermal großartiges Konzert, möchte ich auch ein paar Worte darüber hinterlassen, was deine Musik so bewegt.. Deine Klangkunst berührt mich sehr - seit Jahren schallt sie durch meine Hallen und jeder Ton aus den Boxen fliegt dabei direkt wie ein Pfeil in mein Herz. So bereichert sie mein Leben ungemein. Doch durch die großartige Möglichkeit dir bei deinen Improvisationen direkt zusehen zu dürfen, offenbarst du nicht nur die Gelegenheit eines atemberaubenden Livekonzerts, sondern schaffst auch Inspiration für tolle Städtetrips zu unbekannten Orten (damit man dir zuhören uuund nebenbei noch fremde Städte erschließen kann) und führst über dies auch Menschen zusammen, die sich bis zu deinem Konzert noch nicht so nahe standen. ❤️ So möchte ich dir von Herzen danken, dass du mit deiner Kunst mein Leben um so viele Eindrücke bereicherst - auf direktem und indirektem Wege. Danke! Bitte mach weiter so! :) Wir sehen uns bei eurem Weihnachtskonzert in Heiligenstadt. Alles Liebe für dich und bis bald. ✨

— Johanna


— Mateusz

Your concert was a beautiful experience and the way you talked about your music was extremely moving for me, thank you!

— Aniela


Die Energie floss von Beginn an und mit ihr Tränen. Das hat befreit. Habe schon einige Konzerte von dir besucht, dieses war nochmal sehr besonders. Jeder Ton erfüllte den Raum mit Musik und Emotionen. Danke 🙏!

— Esther

I perceived this sound as if there was singing with accompaniment

I enjoyed your concert so much it has a special place in my heart! I was so in flow when you played a sound which is similar to vocals sounds. It was stunning.

— Anna