04 May 2019 Leipzig (DE) - Philippuskirche w/ GewandhausChor
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I played a concert at Philippuskirche w/ GewandhausChor in Leipzig (Germany) on the 4th of May 2019 — if you were there it would mean a lot to me if you would share your impressions and thoughts and maybe even some pictures with me!
Still not the right words for this endeavor last night. All I can say is ‚thank you‘ again and again for this unreal experience playing the new album „Ströme“ live for the very first time. I‘m so happy that this is just the beginning
Martin Kohlstedt
Your thoughts, memories and pictures
Most intense musical experience I ever had!
„It was so fascinating to attend to this great concert. Watching the interaction of Martin and Gregor was so fantastic, the sound was outstanding and I never heard that kind of wonderful music before. For me, it was the most intense experience regarding concerts I ever had, it was fascinating and stunning. I’d love to go to all of the concerts they do in future. Thank you for this great and unique experience!“
Very special evening, in so many ways…

Ein sehr besonderes unter den vielen einzigartigen Konzerten.
durchtönt Konzert „Ströme“, Philippuskirche ein schauer die ersten tropfen perlen ab an meiner außenhaut das bächlein der töne umspielt meine sinne der strom reißt mich mit durch das flussbett der musik siebenfach gehäutet mündet meine seele im meer aus klang Petra Ng‘uni/Leipzig 04.05.2019
Amazing evening
„What an amazing evening!“