23 November 2019 Wuppertal (DE) - Historische Stadthalle
Back to concert listI played a concert at Historische Stadthalle in Wuppertal (Germany) on the 23rd of November 2019 — if you were there it would mean a lot to me if you would share your impressions and thoughts and maybe even some pictures with me!
Your thoughts, memories and pictures
Thank You
Your concert completely blew me away. It was just magical. I can’t even really describe how it made me feel to hear and watch you and your music – it made me really…calm and also emotional. Sometimes I just can’t help but cry…I think it’s mostly happy tears though – just music is just so moving. I could have sat there forever just listening. I also love that your concerts usually take place in these rare and beautiful locations with such a great atmosphere.
— Lea
„Dein Konzert war zauberhaft. Zwei magische Stunden, in denen ich völlig in Deine faszinierende Welt der Musik eintauchen durfte. Alles fließt, alles in mir fühlt sich wunderbar glatt und rund an. Herzlichen Dank für diesen Abend.“