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03 July 2022 Lärz (DE) - Fusion Festival

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I played a concert at Fusion Festival in Lärz (Germany) on the 3rd of July 2022 — if you were there it would mean a lot to me if you would share your impressions and thoughts and maybe even some pictures with me!

I am still happy that I was able to see the most powerfull essence of all beautiful creatures at this year’s Fusion Festival during my closing concert last night. Five overwhelming days that felt like a whole crazy month. Thanks for having me again and again and hopefully again.Martin Kohlstedt

Your thoughts, memories and pictures


Dear Martin, i have been following and loving your music since the day i stumbled over you at the tiny tent at habitat festival ages ago and got enchanted by your magic and presence while creating your art! When I saw you'd be at Fusion this year I almost bursted of excitement - then the day came, It has been a rough week and my body forced me to stay put and sleep through Saturday night. Luckily though, I had told all my crew members that they should go see you - and they did, and when I met them next day they were SO grateful for the experience! They were deeply moved and super happy for that beautiful closing of our favourite stage. So my sadness over having missed your show was flushed away by the joy of having enriched my friends' life with your wonderful art :)) Thank you for what you are bringing to this world. Can't wait until the next chance! Much love!

— Anja


Thank you for the great Closing of Fusion Festival 2022. It was the last hour of a really amazing trip for me, which started on Wednesday with Hania Rani and ends up with your music. 🙏

— Paul

We loved it.

We’re still amazed by the show you did at our festival 3 years ago - and you’ve won a crew of fans in Hannover ever since. So naturally, visiting your gig at Sonnendeck was a compulsory ending to our crews attendance at the fusion festival <3


Danke für dieses wunderschöne Konzert und wie super du es wieder improvisiert hast. Zuletzt hatte ich dich im Kito in Bremen im Februar 2020 gesehen. Da hattest du leichte schwierigkeiten ein Lied zum Schluss zu bringen denn es war eins der letzten Konzerte deiner Tour, aber es war dennoch sehr schön :). Aber umso schöner dich auf einem Festival mit voller Energie zu sehen. Ich hatte sehr viel Gänsehautmomente <3 Danke

— Max

Two Hands

— J. Konrad Schmidt


— J. Konrad Schmidt